Author Archive
Highlight in Nature Nanotechnology–Graphene from waste materials
September 6th, 2011Our paper on the synthesis of graphene from food and waste materials was highlighted in Nature Nanotechnology: Graphene from waste materials
One box of Girl Scout Cookies worth $15 billion
August 8th, 2011Rice University lab shows troop how any carbon source can become valuable graphene Scientists can make graphene out of just about anything with carbon — even Girl Scout Cookies. Graduate students in the Rice University lab of chemist James Tour proved it when they invited a troop of Houston Girl Scouts to their lab to […]
Dream screens from graphene
August 2nd, 2011Technology developed at Rice could revolutionize touch-screen displays BY MIKE WILLIAMS Rice News staff Flexible, transparent electronics are closer to reality with the creation of graphene-based electrodes at Rice University. The lab of Rice chemist James Tour lab has created thin films that could revolutionize touch-screen displays, solar panels and LED lighting. The research was […]
Rice professors are new AAAS fellows
December 17th, 2009Tiny owls take flight
December 17th, 2009Tour a top-10 chemist
December 11th, 2009Ranked one of the Top 10 chemists in the world over the past decade, by a Thomson Reuters citations per publication index survey, 2009
Good to grow
November 13th, 2009A little nano, a lot of oil
October 27th, 2009Rice cuts deal to research graphene-infused drilling fluids BY MIKE WILLIAMS Rice News staff A wall of graphene a single nanometer wide could be the difference between an oil well that merely pays for itself and one that returns great profit. Rice University and Houston-based M-I SWACO, the world’s largest producer of drilling fluids for […]
Rice opens Cure for Needy on the Web
October 20th, 2009Students invite chemists everywhere to help with orphaned drugs, diseases Suppose you had a disease for which there’s a proven cure, but nobody makes the drug. Where do you turn? That’s a question many around the world face every day and one Rice University students hope to answer by reaching out through the Internet. The […]
Graphitic memory techniques advance at Rice
September 9th, 2009Researchers simplify fabrication of nano storage, chip-design tools Advances by the Rice University lab of James Tour have brought graphite’s potential as a mass data storage medium a step closer to reality and created the potential for reprogrammable gate arrays that could bring about a revolution in integrated circuit logic design. In a paper published […]